M1の今村君、丸一君の論文が国際会議IEEE HTC 2013に採択されました。

“M1今村君のスマートグリッドに関する論文” Distributed Demand Scheduling Method to Reduce Energy Cost in Smart Grid ”とM1丸一君のスマートグリッドに関する論文” Distributed Control Method for Micro Combined Heat and Power System on Logical Token-Ring Model in Real-Time Pricing”が国際会議IEEE HTC 2013に採択されました。

IEEE HTC (Humanitarian Technology Conference) は世界的な国際会議で、本年は日本の仙台市において8月26日(月)〜29日(木)の日程で開催されます。テーマは以下となっています。


HT (Humanitarian Technology): The technology to improve the life of the underserved or underprivileged people, who have not been receiving much benefit of the scientific and engineering development. The underserved/underprivileged people include those in developing countries, the physically challenged ones, those in disasters, and others in needs. The HT includes technologies related to electricity, health, education, disaster and many other areas.