菊田君が、4月6日に機械振興会館で開催されるIEEE 東京支部講演会で講演します。

菊田君が、IEEE東京支部、Tokyo GOLD Affinity Group、Japan Council WIE Affinity Group、IEEE東京支部 Student Activities Committee共催、電子情報通信学会 東京支部協賛のIEEE President Dr. Gordon Day氏講演会に、Tokyo Gold Affinity Groupを代表してプレゼンテータとして登場します。

日時: 2012年4月6日(金) 13:30~16:40 (受付開始 13:15~)
場所: 機械振興会館 B2階 ホール
詳細・申込: http://www.ieee-jp.org/section/tokyo/kaigou/lecture/2012/app/0406kouen.htm

2012年3月27日(火)にNICT小金井で開催されるけいはんな情報通信オープンラボ研究推進協議会新世代ネットワーク分科会ワークショップ にて、岡本先生がパネリストとして登壇します。


日時 : 2012年3月27日(火)14:00~17:15
場所 : 情報通信研究機構本部 本館4階 国際会議室 (東京都小金井市貫井北町4-2-1)
参加費: 無料
主催 : けいはんな情報通信オープンラボ研究推進協議会
参加ご希望の方は、新世代ネットワーク分科会事務局 info-nag@nict.go.jp へ氏名と勤務先を明記してお申込み下さい。

①開会挨拶(14:00 ~14:05) 
 新世代ネットワーク分科会リーダー  大 柴 小 枝 子 氏(京都工芸繊維大学大学院教授)

    早稲田大学研究戦略センター教授  松 島 裕 一氏

   光ネットワーク事業部   吉 原 知 樹 氏
    フォトニックトランスポートネットワーク研究部  宮 本 裕 氏
 座長:原井 洋明 氏(情報通信研究機構)

   岡 本 聡 氏(相互接続性検証WG副主査/慶應義塾大学大学院准教授)
   宮 本 裕 氏(フォトニックWG/NTT未来ねっと研究所上席特別研究員)
   大槻英樹 氏(情報通信研究機構テストベッド研究開発推進センター)

    大柴 小枝子 氏(新世代ネットワーク分科会リーダー/京都工芸繊維大学大学院教授)

 情報通信研究機構理事 宮 部 博 史 氏




Title: Future Service Adaptive Access/Aggregation Network Architecture
Authors: Hiroki IKEDA Hidetoshi TAKESHITA Satoru OKAMOTO
Abstract: The emergence of new services in the cloud computing era has made smooth service migration an important issue in access networks. However, different types of equipment are typically used for the different services due to differences in service requirements. This leads to an increase in not only capital expenditures but also operational expenditures. Here we propose using a service adaptive approach as a solution to this problem. We analyze the requirements of a future access network in terms of service, network, and node. We discuss available access network technologies including the passive optical network, single star network. Finally, we present a future service adaptive access/aggregation network and its architecture along with a programmable optical line terminal and optical network unit, discuss its benefit, and describe example services that it would support.



Abstract: This paper proposes a scalable active optical access network using high-speed Plumbum Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate (PLZT) optical switch/splitter. The Active Optical Network, called ActiON, using PLZT switching technology has been presented to increase the number of subscribers and the maximum transmission distance, compared to the Passive Optical Network (PON). ActiON supports the multicast slot allocation realized by running the PLZT switch elements in the splitter mode, which forces the switch to behave as an optical splitter. However, the previous ActiON creates a tradeoff between the network scalability and the power loss experienced by the optical signal to each user. It does not use the optical power efficiently because the optical power is simply divided into 0.5 to 0.5 without considering transmission distance from OLT to each ONU. The proposed network adopts PLZT switch elements in the variable splitter mode, which controls the split ratio of the optical power considering the transmission distance from OLT to each ONU, in addition to PLZT switch elements in existing two modes, the switching mode and the splitter mode. The proposed network introduces the flexible multicast slot allocation according to the transmission distance from OLT to each user and the number of required users using three modes, while keeping the advantages of ActiON, which are to support scalable and secure access services. Numerical results show that the proposed network dramatically reduces the required number of slots and supports high bandwidth efficiency services and extends the coverage of access network, compared to the previous ActiON, and the required computation time for selecting multicast users is less than 30 msec, which is acceptable for on-demand broadcast services.