KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc. (“KDDI R&D Labs.,” President & CEO: Yasuyuki Nakajima), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (“Mitsubishi Electric,” President & CEO: Masaki Sakuyama), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (”NICT,” President: Dr. Masao Sakauchi), Keio University (“Keio Univ.,” President, Professor: Atsushi Seike), Ixia Communications K.K. (“Ixia,” County General Manager: Kenji Murakami) and TOYO Corporation (“TOYO,” President and CEO: Masaru Gomi) have successfully built interoperable 100Gbit/s-class core, metro or access optical networks using SDN (Software defined networking)*1 technology. The technology tested this time is expected to be applied to the technology realizing a wide-area cloud network that connects data centers and handles large-volume of data.
This open interoperability demonstration was conducted at the 10th International Conference on IP + Optical Network (iPOP2014) held in Musashino-city, Tokyo between May 22 and 23.201406keio_press_release_eng.pdf