Mr.Zhang’s paper is accepted in the International Journal of Computer and Information Science (IJCIS).
The detail of paper is below.
Title: A Novel Architecture of Energy Efficient and Enhanced-type Data-centric Network (E3-DCN)
Authors: Shanming Zhanga, Hidetoshi Takeshita, Satoru Okamoto, Naoaki Yamanaka
Abstract: Information-centric networking (ICN) as an alternative has been researched for future Internet architecture. In this paper, a novel network architecture called Energy Efficient and Enhanced-type Data-centric Network (E3-DCN) is proposed for ICN. E3-DCN not only realizes ICN but also has the ability of data generation by organizing and combining relevant resource such as original data and kinds of processing services. In addition, in order to improve energy efficiency of data transmission, E3-DCN chooses optimal transmission path to transmit data based on packet switching and optical switching. Moreover, based on current traffic situation, E3-DCN reconfigures network topology such as unused nodes and links to operate in sleep mode for energy saving dynamically. And meanwhile, data caching strategies are applied into E3-DCN for data distribution based on the distribution of users. Data caching shortens transmission distance, so data transmission energy, latency and network load is decreased. Based on these approaches, E3-DCN achieves an energy efficient network.